Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Makes:  One medium sized pizza


·      2 cups shredded cauliflower

·      2 large eggs

·      coconut oil

·      organic tomato paste

·      assorted spices; oregano, parsley, basil, fennel

·      pizza toppings:  precooked meat, i.e. ground meats or sausage, and vegetables, i.e. tomato, spinach, green and red bell pepper, red onion, etc.


1)    Preheat oven to 425°F (Celsius too).

2)    Grease pizza pan with coconut oil

3)  Dice cauliflower into small, granular pieces or shred in food processor

4) Steam the cauliflower until tender.

5) Mix eggs with the cauliflower and spread it thinly in the pan.

6) Sprinkle preferred spices on top until the crust looks more green than white.

7) Bake the crust for about 15 minutes or until it starts to turn brown on the edges.

8) Meanwhile, heat coconut oil in a frying pan, and sauté vegetables.

9) Remove pizza crust from the oven and spread the pizza sauce evenly on it, topped with preferred meats and vegetables.

10)  Bake until done, about 10 minutes, or until edges are brown