Eye Treatments

© Copyright Bee Wilder March 29, 2015

"Only the body can heal itself, and all healing must come from within your body, mainly with nutrients."

Table of Contents

The Most Common Eye Symptoms

  • burning and itching
  • dryness and scales around the edges of the eyelids
  • redness of the eyes or eyelids
  • watery eyes that tear a lot
  • gooey discharges in colors ranging from yellow to green, along with crusty matter
  • dry eyes due to blocked tear ducts, called Sjogren’s syndrome
  • swelling, and a feeling of pressure, which is due to inflammation
  • styes (sty) are a pimple-like thing, which can be outside as well as inside the eyelid
  • sensations in the eyes that feel like there’s sand or something else irritating them
  • inflammation of the eyelids, called Blepharitis
  • eye floaters, which are tiny spots, specks, flecks, and "cobwebs" that drift aimlessly in and out of the field of vision, sometimes accompanied by tiny light flashes
  • numbness in and around the eyes

Blepharitis is a medical term that refers to "inflammation of the eyelids," particularly at the lid margins (edges).

What Causes Eye Symptoms?

Eye symptoms are due to the Five Primary Causes of All Failing Health.

All diseases, symptoms, illnesses, malfunctioning organs, syndromes, etc. are "signs" the body is utilizing it’s resources as best it can, in spite of poor nutrition, too many toxins, etc. in order to maintain it health. In other words, all symptoms and reactions are "signs" that the body is successfully attempting to restore its own balance.

As the famous nurse, Florence Nightengale, put it: "There are no specific diseases; there are [only] disease conditions. In other words, any changes the body makes are for its optimal survival, including adjusting hormone levels, fever, inflammation, and infection. Infection is when the body creates germs/bugs, i.e. viruses, bacteria, candida/fungi and even cancer, when needed in order to clean itself up of toxins.

Sources of Toxins Coming Out Through the Eyes

Toxins from any part of the body can be discharged through the eyes just like they are discharged through other areas of the body, i.e. skin, liver, kidneys, lungs, etc. However some toxins used in the eyes or around the eyes and head, or fumes from a toxic substance in the air, can also be discharged through the eyes, including:

  • eye drops used by eye doctors to dilate (open up) the eyes for examinations such as checking for glaucoma – see the definition of glaucoma below.
  • medicinal eye drops to add fluid to the eyes
  • antibiotic eye drops
  • lotion, cream, moisturizers, makeup, etc. used in and around the eyes that contain toxins
  • x-rays of the head, including dental x-rays
  • toxic metals used to fill cavities in the teeth, i.e. mercury
  • invasive tooth replacement such as root canals and teeth implants, which act just like a wood sliver in the skin does
  • numbing agents used by dentists to pull or fill teeth, such as novacaine or gel
  • fumes from toxic substances, such as paint, aerosol sprays, fragrances or perfume, cleaning products, etc.
  • contact lenses which are an intrusion, like a wood sliver in the skin, which can cause irritation, infection and inflammation
  • eye injuries that did not heal properly due to lack of nutrition and/or suppression of natural healing mechanisms by toxic drugs, antibiotics, eye drops, etc.
  • foreign substances in the eyes such as lint, dust, hair, etc.

Glaucoma is a disease of the major nerve of vision, called the optic nerve. The optic nerve receives light-generated nerve impulses from the eye and transmits these to the brain, where we recognize those electrical signals as vision. Glaucoma is progressive damage to the optic nerve that generally begins with a loss of side vision (peripheral vision).

Toxins Make All Cell Membranes Stiff

In fact all toxins make cell membranes stiff, or rigid, which interferes with the functioning and health of the eyes, along with every other organ and system throughout the body. Having stiff cell membranes also means the cells aren’t as able to take in nutrients, hormones, and even water, and it also means cells are not as able to get rid of their own waste products – see Toxins Cause Cell Membrane Defects.

Cells Not Constructed as Nature Intended

All cells can get external toxic build up, when toxins begin to accumulate on the outside of the cell. One of the reasons this happens is when the cell membrane is not constructed as Nature intended, they allows toxins to stick to them, which in turn makes the cell membrane stiff as noted above.

According to Nature, healthy cell membranes must be constructed out of 50% saturated fat, except lung cell membranes that must be constructed out of 100% saturated fat. Saturated fats are mainly from animal sources such as butter and lard, and are also very high in unrefined coconut oil, see Unnatural Fats & Oils Damage the Entire Body. Also see The Cholesterol Theory is Totally False.

Stiff cell membranes deprives the cell of the natural flow of water, nutrients, hormones, oxygen, etc. into it, interferes with its ability to communicate, and it also restricts ability of the cell to get rid of its natural waste products.

Therefore cell function is hampered so the cells can no longer function correctly. The more the toxins build up, the less efficient the cell becomes and therefore the longer this goes on, the harder it is to reverse the process.

The main process the body uses to solve this problem is to produce more white blood cells to clean up (clear out the toxins), particularly those on the outside of the cell membranes.

However some toxins are able to get through cell membranes interfering with its internal operation. Toxins achieve this much easier when there is low cell integrity/health which forces the cells to create bugs (viruses, bacteria, and even fungus) in order to help clean up toxins and expel them. White blood cells play an important part in this operation as well.

In order to eject the toxin, along with their own natural waste products, the cell needs to use its own energy. If the cell does not have spare energy to do this, a build up can start and the disease processes continue, see White Blood Cells’ Purpose.

Inflammation & Infection are Natural Healing Processes

Inflammation and infection are normal body reactions to injury, irritation, a foreign substance, i.e. toxins, poisons, or the accumulation of natural wastes within the body, that produces pain, heat, redness, swelling, and/or loss of function. Inflammation is the body’s healing response that sends healing blood and substances to the area in order to detoxify, heal, and normalize the area.

Infection in any area of the body is when germs/bugs, such as viruses, bacteria, candida/fungus, or even cancer, are created by the body to neutralize, eliminate, and/or detoxify toxins/poisons, in order maintain its health. Pus includes healing substances produced by the body itself.

For more information see Inflammation & Infection are Natural Healing Processes , by Henry Lindlahr from his book Nature Cure.

How to Help Your Eyes

Eliminate Toxins and Irritating Substances

  • Do not allow an eye doctor (optometrist or ophthalmologist) to put eye drops in your eyes, since glaucoma is mainly caused by a lack of proper nutrition and toxins.
  • Do not use any medicinal eye drops to increase fluid in the eyes. If your eyes do not have enough tears/fluids do eye massages and apply eye compresses instead.
  • Do not use any kind of drugs, such as antibiotic eye drops, to treat your eyes, since they are toxins which makes your eyes work harder to get rid of them, and simply suppress the symptoms, which will have to come out later as worse health problems.
  • Do not apply toxic lotion, cream, moisturizers, eye makeup, etc. in or around the eyes or head.
  • Avoid getting x-rays on your teeth or head.
  • Do not get any teeth filled using mercury. Instead, go to a holistic dentist that uses less toxic substances.
  • Do not get any kind of invasive tooth replacement, such as root canals and teeth implants, which are foreign substances, just like a wood sliver in the skin, so the body is forced to create inflammation and infection in a constant effort to get rid of them. Instead get non-invasive appliances for missing teeth, such as bridges, partial plates, or dentures.
  • When your dentist uses numbing agents, including novacaine, do not take toxic antibiotics or pain killers which suppress detoxification of such substances.
  • Avoid fumes from any kind of toxic substances, including paint, paint cleaners and thinners, aerosol sprays, fragrances or perfume, cleaning products, etc.
  • Do not wear eye makeup, i.e. mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, etc. since they can cause irritation and increase eye symptoms.
  • If you wear contact lenses, you should discontinue wearing them until your eyes are completely healed, and even beyond that. Contact lenses are a foreign substance, just like a wood sliver in the skin, that can cause the eyes to create inflammation and infection in an effort to get rid of them.
  • If you injure your eyes, allow time for your body to heal it without suppressing it with antibiotics, medicines or drugs.
  • If you get something irritating in your eyes, such as dust, lint, hair, etc. remove it carefully so you don’t cause further injury.


Important Nutrients for the Eyes

The most important nutrient for eye health is Vitamin A. True vitamin A is called retinol, which is an oil soluble vitamin. However, vitamin A only works in the body when it is accompanied by other important nutrients, such as vitamin D, and good saturated fats like butter, unrefined coconut oil, lard, etc. and if there is a balance of omega 3 to omega 6, along with other nutrients (protein, minerals, other vitamins, etc.). Most people get too much omega 6 so it is important to take the natural source of this essential fatty acid, which is cod liver oil; for more information see Cod Liver Oil Products/Brands with Nutrient Levels.

Of course all nutrients work together to provide good health, and healing can only come from inside the body itself.

Get Healthy So Your Body Can Heal and Detoxify Itself Like it Should – Bee’s Healthy Program, called Candida, helps the body heal and detoxify itself naturally according to Nature’s Laws on Health and Healing, by providing the correct combination of nutrients all Humans need and by eliminating damaging foods and toxic substances, as witnessed by these miraculous Success Stories. To learn the five primary causes of all failing health, and to understand what you need to do to take charge of your health and life! Read: How to Successfully Overcome Candida.

Natural Eye Treatments

These treatments can be helpful but they cannot solve eye problems unless the person also gets healthy by consuming all of the nutrients the body needs to heal and detoxify itself, along with eliminating toxins and damaging foods.

Remember: "Only the body can heal itself, and all healing must come from within your body, mainly from the correct combination of nutrients.", see Nutrients Required for Human Health and Healing.

Eye Compresses and Eye Cleanses

Warm compresses are applied first, in order to loosen crusts on your eyes before you cleanse them. They will also warm up and loosen toxins that block tear ducts and glands that produce tears, and fluids which keep the eye moist, help pull toxins out, and bring more healing blood to the area, etc. Compresses are very soothing to red, burning, itching, and inflammed eyes.

Tea Bag Compresses – Apply warm tea bag compresses, using mild teas like chamomile, peppermint, spearmint, etc. Do not use any kind of citrus teas, like lemon or orange peel since they will irritate the eyes. Put two tea bags in very warm non-chlorinated water. Allow them to get very warm, and take them out and squeeze them to remove most of the water. Lie down, put a tea bag on each eye, and rest for 10-15 minutes at a time.

Washcloth Compresses – Dampen a clean washcloth with non-chlorinated warm to hot water. Fold it so it will cover both eyes. Lie down, place the cloth across your eyes, and rest for 10-15 minutes at a time.

Warm Water Cleanse – Use warm non-chlorinated water. Dip a clean washcloth into the water. Gently wipe it across your lashes and edges of your eyelids, and around your eyes. Rinse with cool water.

Natural Eye Rinses & Treatments

Use an eye cup to rinse your eyes with the first two solutions below; it can be bought at any drug store. Eye rinses can be done 3 times a week, or as needed.

  • Baking Soda – Put 1 teaspoon of baking soda (not baking powder) in 1 cup of non-chlorinated water. Stir it well so it dissolves completely, fill an eye cup with it, and rinse your eyes well 2-3 times.
  • Unrefined Coconut Oil – Rub unrefined coconut oil all around your eyes and over your eyelids. It is an excellent moisturizer and is very soothing to the eyes. At the same time massage your eyelids and all around your eyes, as well as the inner corner of your eyes where the tear ducts are located. This will stimulate tear production and help keep them from blocking up. You can also put a few drops of coconut oil in your eyes, which may make them briefly cloud over, but that will quickly pass. This can be done every day.