Why Probiotics Are Not Needed

© Copyright Bee Wilder May 29, 2016

Definition of Carbohydrates (carbs): Foods and drinks that are not classified as protein, fat or oil. They include all plant foods (grown in soil or water), such as grains (wheat, oats, barley, rice, etc.), beans (navy, kidney, lima, lentils, etc.), nuts, seeds, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, flowers, algae, kelp, seaweed, etc., as well as sap from trees (pine, maple, etc.), tea or caffeine from leaves or beans, juice, and honey.

Only the body can heal itself, if given what it needs to do its job!

What Are Probiotics?

In the History of Probiotics we find the term “probiotics” was first introduced in 1953 by Kollath. Contrasting antibiotics (against-life), probiotics (pro-life) were defined as microbially derived factors that stimulate the growth of other microorganisms. In 1989 Roy Fuller suggested a definition of probiotics which has been widely use since then: “A live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance.”

Here’s Some insights into the derivation and early uses of the word ‘probiotic’ written in the British Journal of Nutrition, 2003:

“Fujii & Cook 1973 defined probiotics as ‘compounds that build resistance to infection in the host.’ Kollath 1953 says probiotics are supplements to restore health to patients suffering malnutrition from eating too much refined foods. Vergin 1954 suggests antibiotics upset microbial balance and it is restored by a proper diet of probiotics, including fermentation products.” However, that is not true!

The medical industry is spreading this propaganda to make us believe antibiotics are actually helpful, instead of poisonous, so they “have to” create more lies in order to justify their use. For more insight into these lies see how the terms Die-Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions were also fabricated in order to justify using antibiotics to treat illnesses.

Some Probiotics "claimed to be friendly or good" are not Healthy

Another major clue to problems with probiotics is in Dr. Weston A. Price’s book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Dr. Price was a very precise researcher, since he did careful testing of saliva from people’s mouths (before and after providing healthy nutrition), took x–rays, counted cavities, etc. and he also tested food samples from their diets for their nutrient content. On page 436 he writes:

“In this group, the saliva, before the treatment began, gained 1.5 per cent in inorganic phosphorus [found in meats and eggs]; whereas after treatment, the saliva lost 13.9 percent of its inorganic phosphorus. [Note: In the previous paragraph he explains that phosphorus needed for teeth and bones “is higher” in the saliva of people with cavities and poor health.]

The change in nutrition included an increase in the activator X (research at the Weston A. Price Foundation found activator X is vitamin K2, a fatty acid) and vitamin A content as concentrated from a high-vitamin butter and a reduction in carbohydrates; also an increase in mineral-providing foods.

Before the change in nutrition, when the tooth decay was considered active, L. acidophilous averaged, for the group, 323,000 colonies per cubic centimeter of saliva, and, after treatment, averaged 15,000.” Note: L. stands for lactobacillus.

So it stands to reason that “if” good bacteria, like L. acidophilous, are so important for health than why do people who get proper nutrients like Dr. Price provided, have less L. acidophilous? That means we need to question the role “supposedly” friendly or healthy beneficial bacteria plays in the body, and how and why the body creates such bacteria.

Many references state that acidophilous is a lactic acid producing bacteria, which is what causes tooth decay, cavities, and mouth and gum diseases as Dr. Price discovered.

Our bodies are constantly producing lactic acid during normal metabolism, which it makes from another form of acid, called pyruvic acid, in combination with a number of enzymes. Under conditions of excess glucose and limited oxygen the body produces pyruvic acid, which is used, as noted above, to create lactic acid.

Lactic acid producing bacteria, usually found in decomposing plants and lactic products, produce lactic acid as the major end–product of carbohydrate fermentation. Acidification inhibits the growth of spoilage agents in foods. Therefore, friendly bacteria create an acidic environment.

However in order for the small and large intestine to be healthy they must be alkaline, which is the reason they naturally produce baking soda, which is alkaline, and also why bile is alkaline. Candida (yeast) can grow in either an alkaline or acidic environment so that’s why people can have candida in their mouth, in their stomach (which is acidic), in their intestines (which are alkaline), and also on their skin which is normally acidic.

The mouth produces enzymes that start digestion of carbs that can only work in an alkaline environment, so the mouth needs to be alkaline. When Dr. Price wrote that L. acidophilus was drastically lowered in the mouth of a person who got proper nutrition makes perfect sense.

Food empties out of the stomach into the first part of the small intestines, called the duodenum. If the pancreas detects that the mixture contains enough fluids and stomach acid (hydrochloric acid or HCl) it is able to do its job. First the pancreas must make the mixture alkaline, so it pours lots of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) onto the mixture. Then the pancreas produces digestive enzymes to further digest protein, carbs and fats. Those enzymes only work on an alkaline mixture, just like enzymes in the mouth. Therefore, wouldn’t it stand to reason that if the small and large intestines are not alkaline they are not able to digest properly.

Probiotics consist of (are made up of) protein, fat and carbs, so they would get digested the same as any other protein, fat and carbs are digested. The digestive system doesn’t say “Oh, this is a probiotic, so it must not be digested so it can help the large intestines!” This is also true for fermented foods, which are digested just like any other foods, so any probiotics they contain would also not be able to end up in the large intestines intact where they are “supposedly” needed.

The literature is loaded with information that the small and large intestines “supposedly” have “good bacteria” that are beneficial. If that were true then those good bacteria would make the intestines acidic, which interferes with digestion instead of aiding it. Like the mouth, supposedly “good bacteria” in the intestines is a sign of poor health due to an excess of glucose (sugar), lack of oxygen and mostly because of indigestible carbs (plant foods) that humans are not able to digest.

Very little is left of foods at the end of the small intestine, which mainly consists of undigestible carb fibers, undigestible sugars, residues of secretions, dead cells (the intestinal lining regenerates itself every 4–days so there’s a lot of dead cells), and water.

The main functions of the large intestines are to absorb water from the remaining indigestible food matter, to digest undigestible matter which requires the creation of bugs, bacteria and yeast, and to pass useless waste material from the body.

Therefore, it is only logical that “good bacteria” (probiotics) are created by the intestines itself when they are necessary, just like our bodies create viruses, bacteria, candida (yeast) in order to clean itself up. However that idea is totally foreign to people today who believe in the false germ theory of disease – see The Germ Theory of Disease is Not True.

In any case, taking probiotics (in foods, drinks or supplements) by mouth cannot affect the large intestine in any way, since probiotics are digested just like any other foods that contain protein, fat and carbs. Think of probiotics as very tiny insects and you’ll understand why they would be digested long before they reach the large intestines. There is also evidence that some people have no probiotics in their intestines whatsoever yet they are very healthy.

Our bodies are smart enough to balance out all nutrients, hormones, and water levels if we treat them according to Nature’s Laws on Health and Healing by consuming “the correct combination of nutrients,” and by eliminating toxins and damaging foods. Our bodies are also smart enough to create probiotics when, and “if,” they are needed.

The Body Itself Creates All Bugs as Needed

This is what Antonie Bechamp (1816-1908) writes in his book The Third Element of The Blood:

Page 1: “As a blood smear slide ages over one to two days, organisms literally can be seen wiggling out of the red blood cells, organisms that change into more degenerate and pathological forms as the process proceeds. When the rotting or putrefaction process is over, when there is nothing more for the newly formed viruses, bacteria and fungi to eat, they all break apart again, disappear, and turn back into the “little dots” they came from, called microzymas.

Note: Other researchers independently discovered those same “little dots” in the cells, and called them different names. Gunther Enderlein called them protits, and Gaston Naessens called them somatids.

Page 2: “It is only in illness that they [bugs] become agents of fermentation. The waste or byproducts of these bacteria and other organisms are alcohol, CO2 lactic acid, vinegar, etc. that are produced in such processes. Again these waste products of fermentation, which is followed by putrefaction, are what make us ill in disease, not the germs.

Page 3: “Mycrozymas isolated from a mammoth frozen more than 50,000 years ago were shown to spontaneously show life again and begin fermentation in sugar solutions. . . . the internal milieu, . . . determines what form the mycrozymas take, i.e. whether they are good guys or not so good. The ‘good guys’ turn into the cells that regenerate the body, organ specific mycrozymas. The not so good guys are the protits that go in the direction of fermentation and putrefaction.

Page 5: “The essential biological characteristics of the microzymas is that they are creators of cellules (cells) by synthesis and of virioniens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) by pleomorphism.”
Synthesis means a combination of two or more things that together form something new.
Pleomorphism means the ability of bacteria to change their shape dramatically or to exist in a number of forms, i.e. changing from a virus into bacteria, and changing of bacteria into fungus.

This and other references provide many reasons that probiotic substances are not needed. The evidence is unmistakable, since probiotics are only formed by the body under certain conditions. Those conditions are mainly because of undigested fibers (the intact cell walls of all plant foods, i.e. carbs) that humans are incapable of digesting that end up in the large intestines.

Animals like cows and sheep, who are herbivores (consume only plant foods), have digestive systems that contain billions of bacteria and protozoa (one-celled animals) which breaks down (digests) the cellulose cell walls into cellobiose to begin the process of releasing the nutrients inside. That’s why herbivores produce lots of gas, and because they consume only carbs (plant foods) they are fat, bloated and produce a lot of gas. For more details see Comparison Between the Digestive Tracts of a Carnivore, a Herbivore and Man, Introduction.

What Happens When Indigestible Fibers Reach the Large Intestines

When indigestible fibers (intact cell walls of carbs) reach the large intestines it is forced to change into a fermentation chamber in order to digest them. The large intestines does this by creating bacteria, yeast, etc. It is well-known that such a condition causes many digestive diseases and issues, including diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and also inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, diverticulosis, etc. – see The Best Detox Diet by Barry Groves, PhD.

How to Breakdown Carb Cell Walls (Fibers)

The fact “is,” there are only two (2) ways to break down the cell walls (fibers) of all carbs:

  1. Cooking them long enough.
  2. Fermenting them long enough, i.e. sauerkraut.

It takes heat or fermentation, and time for nutrients locked inside the cell walls of all plant foods so they are available for digestion. Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables contain no minerals or enzymes since juicing does not break down the cell walls as Barry Groves, PhD, writes in The Best Detox Diet: “To absorb the most carbohydrate in the small intestine and, thus, prevent it from getting to the colon in large quantities, it is necessary to break down the cell walls so that the digestive enzymes can get at and digest the nutrients inside. Juicing does not do this. Looked at through a microscope, even after juicing, plant cells are seen quite plainly to be intact, merely floating about in the fluid portion of the plant. In this form they are just as indigestible as they were in their original whole raw form.”

  1. Cook them long enough so their “color” and “texture” change, which is evidence that the cell walls have been broken down.
    “Color change” means they will get lighter in color.
    “Texture change” means they will become softer, which is more noticeable with root vegetables. Root vegetables should be soft enough to easily mash up with a fork.

Your Health Depends Upon You!

Nature’s laws ensure survival of the fittest. Your survival and how well you live depends
upon you taking charge of your own health. No one else can do that for you, not doctors, not your mother, not your spouse, and certainly not the government!

Medical and drug businesses are “just that” businesses! Businesses have one major goal, and that is to make money! Therefore their services, products, and advice will not necessarily help you. In fact the medical field is rampant with false theories, deception, toxic treatments, and information that has caused a great deal of harm to you, your family and your friends.

Drug companies are behind most of the deception and false information being fed to you, and they use doctors like puppets.

Drug companies make the highest profits of any other company on Earth, and they manipulate governments to pass laws that benefit them and protect their precious profits! However, you need to know that any and all drugs are toxic to the human body and they deteriorate and ruin health! – see How Our Bodies React to Poisons (Toxins).

Overall health is dependent upon cellular health, which can only be improved if you:

  1. Give your body the correct combination of nutrients it needs to heal and maintain health according to Nature’s Fundamental Laws on Health and Healing. Food is medicine!
  2. Increase your body’s oxygen levels and it’s ability to utilize and transport oxygen.
  3. Eliminate as many sources of toxins and poisons as possible, particularly in foods, drinks and drugs.
  4. Improve your digestion so all of nutrients are available to your body.
  5. Improve your body’s ability to eliminate toxins (detoxify), and to get rid of natural wastes from your cells.

If you do these five things you and your body will better able to withstand negative influences such as stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, relationship or financial worries and concerns, and toxins. Also these five things can ensure improved future health.

Only the body can heal itself, if it is given what it needs to do its job!

Bee’s Healthy Program (Diet and Supplements)

Bee’s Candida Program is an OVERALL Healthy Program that improves anyone’s health, as witnessed by these miraculous Success Stories. To learn the five primary causes of all failing health, and to understand what you need to do to take charge of your health and life! Read:
How to Successfully Overcome Candida