How to Successfully Overcome Candid Page 5


How You Can Get Healthy

Candida/fungi, bacteria, viruses, bugs, etc. cannot be cured by “killing them off” or by “trying to get rid of them” as the medical industry claims, because their theories are against Nature’s Laws on Health and Healing. They can only be reversed by getting healthy:

It’s like the manure pile and the flies, with the manure pile representing the poor condition of the body. You cannot get rid of the manure pile by killing off the flies. Instead you must clean up the manure pile, which meansgetting healthy according to Nature’s Laws on Health.


Change Over to Bee’s Program Slowly & Gradually

It is best to start this program by making changes slowly and gradually, in order to allow enough time for your body to adjust to each change so it is does not become overwhelmed by healing and detoxifying symptoms. If you make the changes gradually it will also give you more control and you will be more successful, therefore avoiding feelings of failure and despair. To gradually change over to this program follow the instructions in Curing Candida, How to Get Started.

While you are working on eliminating sugar, grains, high–carb foods, etc., at the same time increase meats, eggs, and good saturated fats like butter and unrefined coconut oil. Good saturated fats provide an excellent, and much more efficient source of energy than carbs that make your body run on glucose/sugars. Healthy fats also detoxify and reconstruct all cell membranes so they are healthy, and they help pull nutrients out of foods during digestion.

Meats, eggs, and good fats are the easiest foods for your body to digest compared to the digestion of carbohydrates (plant foods) that require more body energy and resources. As you make changes you will experience withdrawal symptoms and cravings, as well as detoxifying and healing symptoms because your body is finally getting the nutrition it needs to heal itself the way Nature intended. However, good unadulterated (uncontaminated) foods will cause reactions, which should not be mistaken for allergic or disease reactions, since they are created by the body itself in order to heal and detoxify.

Healing reactions are exactly the same reactions as allergic reactions, but that is why many people mistake healing reactions as being allergic reactions. The body only has one way to respond to toxins or to good healing foods—see Allergies, What They Are, & How to Treat Them and Healing Foods, Herbs & Spices Create Healing Reactions.

For help with food cravings and reactions see these article: How to Control Food Cravings.

Step 1: Eliminate Foods and Toxins That Are Damaging to Health

Eliminate sugars of all kinds, including fruits & dairy products except butter.

Eliminating sugar is one of the most important aspects of any program that improves health, which includes eliminating sugar and all forms of it, including lactose in dairy products (except butter), honey, maple syrup, molasses, glucose, fructose, lactose, and all sugar substitutes, i.e. NutraSweet, aspartame, saccharin, etc.

Dairy Product Notes: Yogurt and kefir are also not good for unhealthy people because they are not able to digest lactose and proteins in dairy products. Even though yogurt or kefir can be fermented long enough to lower the lactose content, lactose actually changes into another sugar, called galactose. The two rules regarding lactose, which is the sugar in dairy products, are:

All fruits are also very high in sugar (fructose) and should not be consumed until you are healthy. Some vegetables are also high in sugar so these must also be eliminated, i.e. carrots, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, parsnips, beets, and many others.

Even though lemons and limes are allowed on this program, they should only be consumed in small amounts since they contain fructose. Fructose is one of the worst sugars for health because of how the body processes it compared to other kinds of sugars. Some people cannot tolerate any lemons and limes until they are further along in the program. So be cautious!

Sugar is also found is most processed foods such as luncheon meats, ketchup, soup, etc. so that is why processed foods should be eliminated. See Sugars, Sugar Substitutes, and Artificial Sweeteners.

All sugar substitutes and sweeteners damage health, and most of them are neurotoxic, meaning they damage the brain and nervous system. Stevia is the only sweetener that is allowed on this program, but it should only be consumed in very small amounts. Like all sugar, stevia increases cravings for sugar and high carbohydrate foods. Also be sure to buy ground green stevia leaf, and not any kind of processed stevia. However, some people are not able to tolerate any stevia until they have progressed further on this program, so be cautious!

The fact that sugar greatly damages health has been known for many years, mainly because of Linus Pauling. He is the only person ever to receive two unshared Nobel Prizes – for Chemistry (1954) and for Peace (1962). He concluded that white blood cells need a high dose of vitamin C, and so he developed his theory that high doses of vitamin C were needed to combat the common cold, the flu and even cancer. Did you know that vitamin C and sugar have similar chemical structures so that means they compete with one another for entry into the cells. If there is more sugar around less vitamin C is allowed into the cell, and vice versa.

It is interesting that taking vitamin C also helps curb sugar, alcohol, and high carbohydrate cravings. Since our bodies cannot make vitamin C on it’s own it must be obtained from foods or supplements on a daily basis.

Here are a few of the bad effects sugar has on your health — for a complete list see 143 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health:

High–Carb Foods & Sugars Cause Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. It helps the body utilize blood glucose (blood sugar) by binding with receptors (openings) on cells like a key would fit into a lock. Once the insulin has unlocked the door, the glucose can pass from the blood into the cell. Inside the cell, glucose is either used for energy or stored for future use by the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen.

The body’s cells can become insulin resistant in trying to protect themselves from the toxic effects of high insulin, which is required to regulate blood sugar levels on a diet high in sugar and/or carbohydrates. This causes the cells to down–regulate their receptor activity and the numbers of their receptors, so they do not have to receive “that noxious stimuli” all the time.

It is like having this loud disgusting music being played and you have to turn down the volume. Insulin resistance leads to blood sugar problems like hypoglycemia and diabetes, and to high blood pressure.

It is a less known fact that insulin also stores magnesium. But if your cells become resistant to insulin they cannot store magnesium, so it is lost through urination. Magnesium is important for relaxing muscles, including muscle tissue in blood vessels, the heart, etc. What happens when you cannot store magnesium because the cell is resistant? You lose magnesium which makes your blood vessels and muscles constrict, including your heart muscle.

This causes blood pressure to increase and reduces energy since intracellular magnesium is required for all energy producing reactions that take place in the cell. But most importantly, magnesium is also necessary for the action of insulin and for making insulin. When your insulin is raised you lose magnesium, and the cells become even more insulin resistant. This becomes a vicious cycle that can begin even before you were born. This is another very good reason not to eat sugar and high carbohydrate foods.

Fat cells in the body are the last kind of cells to become insulin resistant, compared to muscle cells, so insulin has more lasting affects on them. Insulin causes the body to turn glucose (carbs) into fat, and it does not allow the body to burn fat for energy so a person can maintain their weight. This is the main cause of overweight and obesity.

Contrary to popular belief, overweight people do not gain because they consume more calories than they burn, nor it is caused by a lack of exercise. Exercise simply increases hunger, which causes a vicious circle for people who are overweight; this information is from the book Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes.

It also is not the number of calories that cause weight gain, instead it is the “kind of calories”. The way to lose weight is to consume high “good” natural fats, moderate protein and low carbs (plant foods) as this program recommends. That kind of diet allows the body to change over from running on glucose/carbs to running on “good” fats, enabling it to burn up fat tissues (utilize the fatty acids in fat cells), so the person can lose weight.

When the body changes over to running on fats, rather than glucose/carbs, it goes into a condition called ketosis. Ketosis is a very normal and natural condition for the body, which is not dangerous in any way. It is unlike ketoacidosis, which is a life–threatening condition commonly associated with Type 1 diabetes and insulin–dependent Type 2 diabetes, since dietary ketosis is very beneficial to health. Actually the heart, brain, and nervous system are healthier running on ketone bodies, rather than glucose, and the overall need for glucose by the body will be much lower.

When the body is on a ketogenic diet there is no need for carbohydrates to maintain blood sugar levels because 58% of protein and 10% of good fats can be changed into glucose inside the body as needed. For more information see Ketosis Myths and Facts on the Low-Carbohydrate Diet.

Eliminate Unnatural Fats & Oils, Soybean Products, and Processed Foods

Anyone who is unhealthy cannot afford to jeopardize their health by consuming toxic and damaging oils and fats, so they must avoid all unnatural man-made hydrogenated (trans-fats) and polyunsaturated fats and oils made from vegetables oils, except extra virgin olive oil.

Unnatural man-made fats and oils are not only toxic and increase the body’s need for vitamin E and other antioxidants, but they also damage the entire body because they act just like plastic in the body. You wouldn’t melt down Tupperware and eat it, so you do not want to eat any plastic fats and oils.

The hydrogenation process makes trans-fats, which are more damaging than any other oils and fats because it employs: 1) high heat, 2) a metal catalyst such as nickel, zinc, copper, or other reactive metals and 3) hydrogen gas. This is a volatile combination designed to extract and process oils, but it results in an extremely toxic product that the body reacts to like other toxins/poisons.

Also these fats and oils go rancid very easily, even when refrigerated and often they are rancid when purchased. The most common man-made fats to avoid are derived from plants, including canola (from rape seed), soy, safflower, sunflower, soybean, and corn.

The plants from which these oils and fats are produced have evolved a variety of toxins designed to protect themselves from “predators” such as grazing animals, insects, etc. and their seeds contain a variety of toxins.

Unfortunately the body will incorporate these fats and oils into every cell, which changes the cell membrane’s structure. When these plastic fats and oils are incorporated into the cells’ membranes it makes them flabby so that they lack integrity and necessary stiffness, which means they are weak.

For this reason all unnatural man-made fats and oils, found in margarine, shortening, mayonnaise, salad dressing, canned meats, most commercial baked goods and processed foods, should not be consumed, even by healthy people.

Do not eat Soybeans and Soy-based foods, additives or derivatives – Soy and all soybean based products are toxic and damaging to the body!

Soybeans contain large quantities of natural toxins or “anti-nutrients,” including potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of enzymes needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors are “not” deactivated during ordinary cooking and can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid (proteins) uptake.

Soybeans are also high in phytic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds, which blocks the absorption of essential minerals – calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc – in the intestinal tract. For more information about the damaging effects of soy and soy based products see: Soy Alert!.

Processed Foods should be eliminated. Not only do they contain damaging substances and ingredients like additives, preservatives, pesticides, emulsifiers, etc., but it almost impossible to find products that do not contain man-made oils and fats such as canola, safflower, corn, etc. Any processed foods that contain water will also contain fluoride, which is very toxic and damaging.

Eliminate foods high in carbohydrates

All carbohydrates (plant foods) change into glucose (blood sugar) in the body so it is important to only consume those that are lowest in sugars and starches. Even though starches are digested and absorbed more slowly than sugars, their energy is stored as complex strands of sugar molecules (starch), that act just like sugar in the body. That is why grains are just as addictive as sugar.

After being off all sugars and grains for a few days your cravings for them will decrease. A high-carb diet is nothing more than a high-glucose diet or a high-sugar diet. High carb foods include breads, pasta, pizza, cereals, baked goods, potatoes, beets, some squashes, corn, parsnips, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, etc., seeCandida Diet Food List.

Eliminate all grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes*

Note: *Legumes (a French word), are plants with seed pods, sometimes calls pulses, i.e. beans like kidney, navy or lima beans, and peas (they do not include green, yellow, wax or string beans).

All grains have a high sugar index just like sugar, and like sugar they are damaging to health and create insulin resistance within the cells. In addition, some grains contain gluten, which is an elastic gluey protein found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, triticale, and it is also hidden in an endless variety of processed foods. Triticale is a new hybrid grain with the properties of wheat and rye, while spelt and kamut are gluten-containing wheat variations (despite claims to the contrary) and are likely to cause health problems similar to other wheat varieties.

Grains that are safer to consume are more seed‐like than grain‐like, and they do not contain gluten. These grains include amaranth, buckwheat, millet and quinoa. Brown rice is also a safer kind of grain that doesn’t contain gluten. However, all of these grains are high in carbs, so they should not be consumed until you are healthy, even then they must be properly prepared to be fit for human consumption.

Even when it is safe for you to consume grains and legumes, they must be properly prepared because they have a coating on them called phytic acid that combines with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc in the intestinal tract and blocks their absorption. They also have an enzyme coating that interferes with protein digestion.

This is why a diet high in such foods may lead to serious mineral deficiencies, bone loss (osteoporosis) and other related diseases, including Parkinson’s, and erratic unstable heart beats. Also improperly prepared grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, bran, etc. can cause irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, Crohn’s disease, and many other adverse affects.

Since grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes are plant foods (carbs), like all plant foods they have cell walls made out of fiber, called cellulose, that humans are unable to digest. Since all of the nutrients in carb/plant foods are inside their cell walls, i.e. locked inside, unless they are released by breaking down the cell wall. The only way to obtain nutrients from carbs (plant foods), and make them digestible to humans is to break down their cell walls (cellulose, which is a wood fibre) that is indigestible, which can only be done:

So even after soaking grains, nuts, seeds or legumes they must be fermented or cooked long enough so their nutrients are available for digestion. That is why sour dough fermentation of grains are safe to consume, however they are still high in starches that change directly into sugar/glucose in the body.

Safer grains like brown rice, amaranth, buckwheat, millet and quinoa, and legumes like peas, lentils, kidney beans, chick peas, navy beans, lima beans, etc. must be cooked long enough, however because they are high in starch they are not included on this program.

There are many more problems with nuts and seeds, since they cannot be fermented, and if they could, no one would like eating them. Cooking nuts and seeds also presents problems. Cooked nuts would not appeal to most people, unless they were added to foods like stew, chili, soup, etc. that are cooked long enough. Even then nuts should be crushed up or ground up so they cook more easily.

Roasting or toasting nuts and seeds may not cook them long enough, depending upon the hardness and size of the nut or seed. Sesame or celery seeds might cook long enough when toasted since they are small. Almonds would have to be finely sliced, but they will burn before they are cooked long enough. That is why nuts and seeds are not included on this program.

The fact is, IF you consume any carbs (plant foods) that are not fermented or cooked long enough they end up undigested in your large intestine. Any undigested foods forces your large intestine to ferment them by creating bugs, bacteria, fungi/candida/yeast that produce digestive enzymes to digest them. In other words, your large intestine changes into a fermentation pot/chamber, which is what causes digestive issues, i.e. gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s, etc.

Animals that nourish themselves primarily on grain and other plant foods are called herbivores. Some have as many as four stomachs, with teeth that grind, longer intestines and their digestive system are also longer than Humans. Many animals, including man, have one stomach, and a much shorter intestine compared to herbivores. These features allow humans to digest animal products and natural fats easily, but it means they are less well adapted to digest plant foods, particularly grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The more fibre foods that are consumed, the harder it is on the intestines, which have to work very hard at getting rid of all of those fibers. This makes the bowels move too quickly so nutrients are not absorbed like they should, and forces the large intestines to ferment them, which causes gas, bloating, and many other digestive problems. Fibers are never a solution for constipation. The solution to constipation is plenty of “good” natural saturated fats, meats, eggs, and low-carbs that are properly prepared. Those good fats also slow digestion so more nutrients are absorbed, and fats help pull nutrients out of foods.

In fact meats, eggs and natural fats from animals are the very easiest foods for humans to digest. That’s why the Eskimos and Masai Warriors in Africa were the two healthiest groups Dr. Weston A. Price studied, as documented in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration but this online source does not include Chapters 22-28.

For more information about human digestion, fibers, etc. read Comparison Between the Digestive Tracts of a Carnivore, a Herbivore and Man by Barry Groves, and Fiber Menace Book, Chapter 1.

Eliminate as many sources of toxins as you can

Make every effort to eliminate as many sources of toxins possible, see Toxins – Environmental, Household, Personal Care, Etc.Sources of Toxins & PoisonsHousehold Toxins Checklist, and Environmental Toxins.

Step 2: Build Up Overall Health with Diet & Basic Supplements

You can only increase your overall health and strength by consuming all of the nutrients your body needs in order to heal and detoxify itself.

The recommended daily protein, fat and carb ratios are calculated according to The Optimal Diet which is a dietary model of human nutrition devised and implemented by Dr. Jan Kwasniewski, Poland—here’s how toCalculate Protein, Fat & Carb Ratios.

All foods must be as fresh and natural as possible (unprocessed), i.e. direct from Nature. Ideal Healthy Foods Include:

NOTE: Use of the word “organic” is not regulated, therefore it can be used by anyone even if a food is organic or not. “Certified organic” is highly regulated and has to meet certain standards in order to carry the designation. Organic and “Certified organic” standards are different in each country, with places like Chile, Mexico and China having lower standards than the United States and Canada.

Protein from Meats and Eggs

It is important that unhealthy people eat the amount of protein required by their bodies from a selection of quality protein foods such as animal meats and eggs. Proteins are found in all types of food, but only meats, and eggs from animal sources contain complete proteins, providing the eight essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own.

Vegetables, fruits and grains contain incomplete proteins, and also do not contain the fat-soluble vitamins required by the body for absorbing and utilizing protein, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.

Amino acids (made by the body from protein) provide the structure of all living things and in the human body they are in the cells that make up muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, glands, nails, hair and body fluids (except bile and urine). Enzymes, hormones, and genes (DNA & RNA) are also made up of various amino acids.

Protein from animals have the unique quality of slowing the breakdown of carbohydrates, which decreases the need for insulin secretion by the pancreas. Animal protein also stimulates glucagon release by the pancreas. Glucagon is the hormone that unlocks our stored fuel. It also helps produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach and stimulates the gall bladder to let down bile into the small intestines.

Please note: Use of the word “free-range” is not regulated either, so it can be used by anyone at will, just like the words “natural” or “organic.” Companies can claim their eggs are free-range even if there is only a small window that lets in sunlight. Free-range really means that the chickens are outside in the sunlight and are able to forage for their natural foods that include bugs, worms, insects, beetles, small animals, and fresh green grass.

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. They are a great source of high-quality protein and are rich in vitamins and nutrients essential to health, including B vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin E. In fact the only reliable and absorbable sources of vitamin B12 are from animal products, especially organ meats and eggs. Vitamin B12 is vital to a healthy nervous system and healthy blood and the one of the important nutrients lacking in vegetarians.

Whole organic or certified organic eggs are inexpensive, and are an incredible source of high-quality nutrients that many of us are deficient in, especially high-quality protein and fat. The easiest way to consume eggs is by makingBee’s Egg Drink — also see these articles about Eggs, The Most Complete Natural Food. Contrary to popular belief Eggs Not a Likely Source of Salmonella Contamination.

High “Natural” Fats and Oils

Good fats and oils are equally important to protein in the diet and they are essential to health. They not only increase the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients from foods in the digestive system, but also provide the most efficient source of energy.

Carbohydrates require a lot of the body’s resources and energy in order digest and utilize them, whereas good saturated fats go directly into the bloodstream, providing a direct efficient source of energy and nutrients. They also provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances.

Natural fats act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and for the conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption, and for a host of other processes. The kinds of fats consumed greatly influences the absorption and utilization of vitamin D as well.

Cholesterol is a molecule which is also called a lipid or fat. It is a soft, waxy substance found in all cells in your body. Contrary to propaganda by the drug and medical industry, cholesterol is produced by the liver from dietary carbohydrates (sugar/glucose), and not from fats or oils. It is an important part of a healthy body because it is used to form cell membranes and hormones, and for many other important functions.

The word “cholesterol” is confusing because foods also contain cholesterol, which are fats or oils found in animal meats, egg yolks, dairy products, seeds, nuts, avocados, olives, coconuts, etc. However dietary fats and oils are not the same as the cholesterol made within the body by the liver.

Cholesterol has been unjustly demonized by the food, drug and medical industries, when in fact it is your best friend. Cholesterol’s job is to repair and protect, and it is essential for nourishing the brain, heart and nervous system.

The brain is 70% cholesterol and it could not function properly without it. Hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, are made from cholesterol, and bile salts (for digestion) are made from cholesterol. Cholesterol is also a powerful cleanser (antioxidant).

Cholesterol is a substance vital to the cells of all mammals. There is no such thing as good or bad cholesterol. In fact your body produces three to four times more cholesterol than you eat, and your body would make cholesterol even if you consumed absolutely no fats and oils.

The eminent American physician and scientist George Mann called the diet-heart idea “the greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps of any century.”

Healthy fats are natural animal fats and oils from meats and eggs, and high saturated fats in unrefined coconut oil, in spite of what we’ve been led to believe. These fats play many important roles in body chemistry.

Unfortunately saturated fats have been given a bad name by the oil and food manufacturing industries, with the sole purpose of selling their products. This is also true for drug companies who perpetuate the cholesterol myth and low-fat diets in order to sell drugs.

The truth is, natural fats and oils have components found only in them, which are health-promoting, and all newfangled man-made fats are now known to be disease-causing. Health-giving saturated fats are stable and do not become rancid easily, nor do they initiate cancer or irritate the artery walls like unnatural man-made fats and oils do.


Healthy saturated fats are an important part of any healthy meal. It draws nutrients out of foods and slows digestion so that natural enzymes and the assimilation process can take place. Healthy fats include butter, tallow, lard, poultry fats, fish fats and oils, and tropical fats from palms and coconuts.


Butter from raw milk produced by certified organic grass-fed cows is a tasty, important saturated fat in the diet. Butter added to vegetables and meats, ensures proper assimilation of minerals and water-soluble vitamins in foods.

Some people believe they are intolerate of the proteins in dairy products because of their reactions, so they have ghee instead. Ghee is a process that removes milk proteins, including casein, from butterfat. However, proteins in butterfat are not the reason for such reactions, since all Healing Foods, Herbs & Spices Create Healing ReactionsNote: Ghee is not as healthy as butter because it does not contain important proteins.

Many trace minerals are in butterfat, including manganese, zinc, chromium, and iodine, as well as Vitamin D and many other nutrients. In areas far from the sea, iodine in butter protects against goiter (enlarged or underactive thyroid). Butter is also extremely rich in selenium, an important trace mineral.

Butter is a unique dairy product because pasteurization does not destroy its fat soluble vitamins. These include true vitamin A (retinol), vitamin D, vitamin K and vitamin E, as well as all of their naturally occurring cofactors needed to obtain maximum effect. Butter is the best source of these important nutrients.

In fact, vitamin A is more easily absorbed and utilized from butter than from other sources and it is the best source of true vitamin A. Beta Carotene is not true vitamin A, found in some vegetables like carrots. Beta carotene must be converted by the body into retinol (true vitamin A), which cannot be done by most unhealthy people.

Coconut Oil is another healthy saturated fat that contains many beneficial nutrients. The fat in coconut oil is easily digested and absorbed, unlike the unnatural man-made fats or oils that act just like plastic in the body. It puts little strain on the digestive system and provides a quick source of energy necessary to promote healing.

Coconut oil, butter, and other saturated fats are absorbed into bloodstream directly from the intestines through the lymph system, whereas other fats require pancreatic enzymes and bile to break them into smaller units which are sent to the liver, where they are processed before entering the bloodstream. That is why saturated fats put very little strain on the digestive system, even for people who have had difficulty digesting fats, have gall bladder problems or if they do not have a gall bladder.

When buying coconut oil look for one that is cold- or expeller-pressed, unrefined, unbleached, undeodorized and non-hydrogenated. Extra virgin is the highest quality. Coconut oil is highly resistant to spoilage and has a long shelf life (2 years at room temperature), so it is not kept in the refrigerator. It is kept in the cupboard or on the kitchen counter. Like other saturated fats coconut oil is solid when cooled below room temperature.

Coconut oil has a high burning point and is the perfect oil for cooking. It can be used alone, or mixed with butter, lard or other good fats for cooking and frying.

Coconut oil can be taken by the spoonfuls with meals to aid digestion or melted on cooked foods. The recommended therapeutic dose is 5.5 tablespoons per day, taken in divided doses 3 times a day with meals that contain meats or eggs.

Coconut oil is a healing food that can cause healing and detoxifying reactions, just like any healthy foods do, because it provides the body with nutrients it needs so it can heal and detoxify itself. To minimize healing and detoxifying reactions start taking coconut oil at a low dose (1/2 to 1 teaspoon three times a day) and gradually increase the amount every 4-5 days, or more depending upon your healing and detoxifying symptoms, until you reach the maximum therapeutic dose of 5.5 tablespoons per day. It is also important to take coconut oil in divided doses during the day and not all at once.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

The human body can produce all but two of the fatty acids it needs, which are omega–3 and omega–6 fatty acids. These two fatty acids are called essential because we have to get them from food since our bodies cannot make them from other fats like it does other kinds of fatty acids.

Most diets today contain an excessive amount of omega–6, therefore it is important to ensure the diet contains more omega–3 rich foods to offset this imbalance. Good sources of omega–3s are meats and eggs. However, the best source of omega–3 is found in fish. That is because omega–3 in fish is high in two fatty acids crucial to human health, which are called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Flaxseed oil is not recommended for omega–3 because it contains a form of omega-3, called alpha–linolenic acid (ALA), that must be converted by the body into the kinds of Omega-3 it can use, which are EPA and DHA (found in fish oils, and cod liver oil). Most unhealthy people are incapable of making the conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA, therefore they need to get omega-3 from fish and not flaxseed oil. In addition, flax oil is made from a seed, that contains nutrients that block protein digestion, just like other seed oils.

Evening primrose oil and borage oil are recommended by many health practitioners however they contain omega–6 and no omega–3, and this diet contains plenty of omega–6 in meats and eggs.

Fat–Soluble Vitamins


Fat–soluble vitamins include true vitamin A, called retinol, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K, as well as all of their naturally occurring cofactors. All of these fat–soluble vitamins are essential to health.


Vitamin A is all–important in our diets since it enables the body to absorb and utilize proteins and minerals, ensures proper vision, healthy skin, healthy cells, and is necessary for the production of hormones, including sex hormones needed for reproduction, etc. It is also important for the formation of bones and teeth. Protein cannot be utilized by the body without Vitamin A.

Beta carotene, found in plants, is not a true Vitamin A since it requires conversion from carotene to “true” vitamin A, called retinol, in the intestines in order to be utilized by the body. Most unhealthy people are unable to make this conversion, so it is best to get “true” oil soluble vitamin A from meats and eggs, and to also take a cod liver oil supplement, that contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acid.

Vitamin D is required for calcium and phosphorus absorption and utilization; phosphorus is a mineral found in protein foods. It is necessary for growth, for healthy bones and teeth, for proper development of the brain and nervous systems and for normal sexual development. Also Vitamin D normalizes blood sugar when there is adequate calcium in the diet. Vitamin D is actually more of a hormone than it is a vitamin and it works with saturated fats and other oil soluble vitamins A and E.

Ordinarily in Summer months the sun produces vitamin D on the oils of the skin. However, I believe it is difficult, to almost impossible, for most people today to get vitamin D from the sun since there are so many factors involved, including having enough oils built up on the skin, not showering or bathing too often using chlorinated water and soap which removes natural oils, etc. — see Vitamin D – Amount of Sun Exposure Required for more details.

That is why I recommend taking cod liver oil all year. See Cod Liver Oil Brand with Nutrient Levels which compares some brands, and gives doses, and extra supplements that are required in order to obtain the recommended daily amounts of omega-3, and vitamins A and D.


If the cod liver oil product/brand available does not contain enough vitamins A or D, buy them separately from cod, halibut or shark “liver” oil capsules, which contain vitamins A and D, or vitamin A only, as required.


Note: Fish oil only contains omega-3 (EPA & DHA) because it is from the fish body. However, fish “liver” oil contains all three nutrients, i.e. omega-3, and vitamins A and D. So if you take fish oil you will also need to get Vitamins A and D from a separate fish “liver” oil source, i.e. cod, halibut or shark.

Vitamin E is a very effective antioxidant that can be depleted by a low–fat diet or by a diet that contains unnatural fats and oils like canola, soybean, corn, safflower, etc. Vitamin E improves circulation, promotes normal blood clotting and healing, repairs tissue and reduces blood pressure.

Consume Low Carbohydrate Foods

Low carbohydrate consumption is an important aspect of any healthy program because high carbohydrate diets are the main cause of failing health. Carbohydrates are any foods not classified as protein or fat, including vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, fruits, herbs and spices.

Since grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, and fruit (except lemons and limes) are not included on a healthy program this leaves a wide variety of vegetables, herbs and spices that are healthy to consume. Since it is very important to consume high fats, proteins, and low carbs on this program you will need to Calculate Protein, Fat & Carb Ratios.

Some foods contain all three food groups, i.e. eggs, some vegetables, herbs, spices, etc. To find out the amount of grams of each food group contained in foods you eat go to: You need to sign up, but there is no obligation. Do not translate your gram ratios to any kind of weight or measurement. Instead, use a nutritional calculator to find out the quantity of foods to consume to meet your ratios by following the instructions in – How to use it.

Take Basic Supplements

It is important to take some essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in supplement form in addition to foods. However, you are advised to only take the recommended supplements on this program.

You will be much more successful if you only take the supplements listed below. If you are currently taking any other supplements or herbs, or you are taking drugs, hormones (birth control pills), antibiotics, medicines, etc. it is advisable that you gradually go off of them since they will interfere with the nutrients on this program and even stop or slow the healing processes.

Many supplements, herbs, extracts, and other natural substances are recommended by some naturopaths, dieticians, and other healthcare practitioners because they do not know or understand what constitutes a “truly” healthy nutritious diet. Consequently they recommend many supplements that are easily obtained on this healthy program. Your body is smart enough to balance out all of its nutrient and hormones levels by giving it what it needs.

Remember that More Is Not Better!

Many healthcare practitioners, although well—meaning, treat specific symptoms, malfunctioning organs, and disorders, just like doctors do with drugs. They may perscribe extracts to treat the thyroid, adrenal glands, and so on. However this often causes more harm than good. That is because such substances can throw off already delicate hormone balances. Therefore the focus must be on treating the “cause” which is mainly the lack of nutrients, rather than on the “signs” of poor health.

As the body heals and detoxifies itself naturally it becomes stronger, and all organs throughout the body will begin to normalize. However, if you are taking hormones or other nutrients, like iodine or medications for the thyroid, or adrenal hormones it will throw those organs into a tizzy; so they won’t be able to recover and function normally. Instead their functioning will become extremely erratic and unpredictable.

Most “extra” supplements are totally unnecessary, often causing adverse side effects or they are a waste of money. A good example of this are iodine supplements like Lugol’s, as well as kelp, seaweed and other green supplements. Not only are green supplements too strong for sick people to handle but they also contain too much iodine, since your body only requires “trace amounts” of it. All of your body’s requirements for iodine can easily be met by eating butter, by taking a “good” ocean sea salt and by drinking natural water. The fact is that too much iodine is just as damaging to the body as too little.

Minerals can only be utilized in the body if you get the correct combination of good fats recommended on this program, including cod liver oil (contains omega 3, and vitamins A & D), vitamin E, saturated fats like unrefined coconut oil, butter, lard, and other animals fats. Of course all of the nutrients work together on this programs, i.e. protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc.

Your body makes amino acids very easily from real foods like meats and eggs, and they are so much easier to digest than any type of processed amino acid supplements. Also see Not Recommended Supplements, Treatments, Etc.


There are only seven (7) macrominerals required by the body in amounts of 200 mg or more per day – all of the rest of the minerals are only required in “trace amounts”:

Basic Supplements List:

Calcium and Magnesium Citrate must be bought separately and taken in equal amounts. When bought separately it is easier to take more or less of each as needed, in case you need to take more or less of either one. Many products combine calcium and magnesium supplements with a ratio of 2:1 (calcium to magnesium), in which case a separate supplement of magnesium citrate is necessary in order to equal out the ratios. Do not buy calcium or magnesium supplements containing other nutrients like potassium, zinc, vitamin D, etc.

Most physicians, health care practitioners, and nutritionist recommend taking 1,000 to 1,500 mg of calcium daily. Taking high amounts of calcium without magnesium will deplete magnesium in the body, so taking such high amounts of calcium will be very damaging in the long run. Some may recommend magnesium also be taken, but many do not. Some may only recommend a ratio of 1:3 calcium to magnesium. However, this is not correct and it can cause serious health issues.

Most people nowadays are more deficient in magnesium than in calcium, so it is important to take at least an equal amount, or a 1:1 ratio, until you see how your body reacts. The amounts may vary a little, depending upon the amount of calcium in your diet and the condition of your digestive system. Most people will do very well on 600 mg each of calcium and magnesium per day, taken in two doses of 300 mg each.

Also consuming grains, nuts, and seeds that aren’t properly prepared binds up minerals in the intestines, so they are unavailable to your body. That is because Nature coats them with a substance called phytates which is necessary to protect them, that must be removed by proper soaking and/or leavening (like sourdough) before they are fit for human consumption. They also are coated with an enzyme that interferes with protein digestion – see Grains, Nuts, Seeds & Legumes Must Be Properly PreparedThat is why there are no grains, nuts, seeds or legumes on this Candida Diet.

Eggshells are a great source of calcium. Eggshell calcium contains healthy, balanced calcium because it also contains trace amounts of other minerals. Eggshell calcium is probably the best natural source of calcium, and it is easier for your body to digest and absorb than tablets or capsules. One-half (1/2) teaspoon of powdered eggshells equals 400 mgs of calcium. See Calcium Made From Eggshells.

Calcium and Magnesium Doses: Take 300 mg of calcium citrate two times a day, along with 300 mg of magnesium citrate two times a day, for a total of 600 mg per day of each. Do not take more than 500 mg of calcium at a time since your body cannot process it properly. If you drink 4 cups of Mineral–Rich Bone Brothdaily you do not need to take any calcium or magnesium supplements. Also when you consume a whole can of sardines you may only need 1/2 a dose of calcium.

Vitamins A & D, and Omega-3, Recommended Daily Amounts:

Note: Fish “livers” contain omega 3 and vitamins A and D, while fish oil is from the body of the fish and it only contains Omega 3 and no vitamins A and D.

In Summer the sun produces vitamin D on the oils of the skin, however, I believe it is difficult to almost impossible, for most people today to get enough vitamin D from the sun since there are so many factors involved, including having enough oils built up on the skin, and not showering or bathing too often using chlorinated water and soap which removes natural oils, etc.—see Vitamin D – Amount of Sun Exposure Required for more details.


For that reason I recommend everyone take cod liver oil all year. See Cod Liver Oil Products or Brands with Nutrient Levels which compares some brands, and gives doses along with extra supplements that are required in order to obtain the Recommended Daily Amounts (above). You will see in that article that The best overall brand of cod liver oil is Garden of Life Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil (glass bottle).


Vitamin B Complex, Niacin (B3) & Thiamine (B1)

All B vitamins supplements do not have to be balanced, so it is safe to take extra B vitamins as recommended, including Niacin (B3) and Thiamine (B1) when you are also taking Vitamin B Complex at the same time.

Vitamin B Complex, two alternatives:

Note: If you cannot buy a vitamin B complex that contains niacin, and instead it contains a non-flushing niacin called niacinamide, you need to buy “true” niacin (B3) separately and take it in addition to vitamin B complex that contains niacinamide.

Niacin causes a flush, which includes red and itchy skin because it dilates blood vessels, even the tiniest capillaries, which releases radiation and is important for the body’s detoxification processes. Be sure to buy niacin in 50 mg or 100 mg size, and not 500 mg, otherwise your niacin flush will be extremely uncomfortable, but it is not damaging.

Radiation from the sun and other sources, along with many other toxins, build up in the body – remember all those terrible sunburns? Radiation is eliminated by taking niacin (B3), which also helps the body get rid of heavy metals, other toxins, and it also oxygenates the body. Niacin is very important for the detoxification pathways in the body so they can function like they should. But as always, all nutrients work together, so Niacin alone doesn’t help.

A niacin flush causes the skin to turn red and tingle, and it will feel hot and itchy. This particularly happens in the face, neck, and ears. Dry skin can also been experienced. The hot feeling is similar to “hot flashes” experienced by women during menopause. “Flushing” occurs because the capillaries (tiny blood vessels) are opening up in the skin. This usually lasts less than 1 hour, but it is not harmful in any way. Do not buy non-flushing niacin, called niacinamide, since it does not provide the same benefits as “true” Niacin (B3). Do not be concerned if you do not get a niacin flush when you first start on this program, and do not increase doses because you are not getting a flush.


  • antibiotic, which means “against life.” The fact “is” antibiotic drugs are toxins (poisons) that force the body to react like it normally does to any other kinds of poison — see How Our Bodies React to Poisons (Toxins).
  • antibacterial, which means “against bacteria,” which are actually drugs that are toxic and poisonous.
  • antifungal, which means “against fungus,” which are actually drugs that are toxic and poisonous ‐ see Why Antifungals Are Not Needed.
  • antiviral, which means “against viruses,” which are actually drugs that are toxic and poisonous.
  • probiotic, which means “for life” ‐ see Why Probiotics Are Not Needed.
  • die–off symptoms and Herxheimer reactions, “which are supposed to mean” what happens to the body when bacteria and fungi are killed off by antibiotics and antifungals — see False Information about Die–Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions.
  1. Lack of the correct combination of nutrients that all humans need in order to be healthy — see Food Selection for Humans and Nutrients Required for Human Health and Healing.
  2. Lack of oxygen at a cellular level and/or the inability to utilize it.
  3. Accumulation of toxins, poisons, and natural waste products of the cells because of an inability of the body to detoxify like it should.
  4. Lowered vitality (energy) due to stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets, losses, relationship or financial worries, and being physically unhealthy.
  5. Poor “Nutritional Status” acquired from parents upon conception, i.e. nutritional deficiencies and/or imbalances that damage the sperm and/or egg (ovum).
  6. The ability of an organism or a cell to regulate it’s internal conditions, usually by a system of feedback and controls, in order to stabilize health and functioning.
  7. The ability of the body or a cell to seek and maintain a condition of stability and health within its internal environment when dealing with internal or external changes or influences.
  8. Chicken Manure Biodegrades Crude Oil In Contaminated Soil—Researchers in China have discovered that chicken manure [guano] can be used to biodegrade [break down] crude oil in contaminated soil. Writing in the International Journal of Environment and Pollution the team explains how bacteria in chicken manure [guano] break down 50% more crude oil than soil lacking the guano.
  9. Fungus Fights Air Pollution By Removing Sulfur From Crude Oil — Researchers in Iran are publishing what they describe as the first study on a fungus that can remove sulfur — a major source of air pollution — from crude oil more effectively than conventional refining methods.
  10. a state of physical well-being that is free of dis-ease, disorders, malfunctions, pain or weakness
  11. a physical state of being in which all of the parts and organs are sound and functioning normally, and in proper condition
  12. the condition of the body and its various parts and functions are normal and efficient so as to prolong life
  • 2007:   0.33% of total population were 100 years of age or more
  • 1990:   1.50% of total population were 100 years of age or more
  • 1830:  2.02% of total population were 100 years of age or more
  1. Anabolic hormones that involve anabolic processes (anabolism), build molecules, tissues and even organs in the body, which includes sex hormones, insulin, and growth hormones produced in the pituitary gland in the head which are responsible for tissues repair, cell regeneration, and building new tissues as needed.
  2. Catabolic hormones that involve catabolic processes (canabolism), break down substances into simpler ones, which include thyroid hormones which function as general stimulators of many cellular reactions, hormones produced by the adrenal glands such as cortisol, and others.
  3. High antibodies equals an allergy.
  4. High antibodies equals immunity.
  5. However, in the case of HIV high antibodies means you are infectious!
  6. People who are the most immune have low antibodies levels.
  7. If HIV tests were not diluted to a ratio of 1:400 everyone would have infectious HIV.
  8. Antibody allergy tests are based upon the theory that high circulating levels of IgG antibodies correlate with clinical food allergy signs and symptoms, however high serum levels of IgG and other allergy tests has not been studied, nor verified, therefore it is quite a leap to conclude that IgG to food antigens correlates to signs and symptoms of food allergy. Also the fact is that laboratories do not use pure food antigens to test blood samples from patients.
  9. Also all “so-called” allergic reactions are exactly the same list of symptoms as the list of healing reactions created by the body – see Healing Reactions Versus Allergic Reactions and Healing Foods, Herbs and Spices Create Healing Reactions.
  • Processed foods, fake foods, and food products, particularly white flour and polished rice.
  • Irradiated (zapped with radiation) and microwaved foods.
  • Foods and drinks that contain chemicals, i.e. additives, preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.
  • Sugar and all forms of it, including a high consumption of fruits, honey, molasses, sugar substitutes and sweeteners
  • Unnatural oils and fats, and all products containing them.
  • Soy and soybean–based foods and drinks.
  • Table salt.
  • Grains, nuts, seeds and legumes that have not been properly prepared, including all products containing them.
  • High-carbohydrate diets.
  • Diets that do not contain plenty of protein and fat from animals.
  • Low-fat diets.
  1. Protein
  2. Fats
  3. Carbohydrates (carbs) are foods that are not classified as protein or fat, which includes all foods that grow in soil (ground, dirt), i.e. vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, etc.
  4. By consuming the correct combination of nutrients that all Humans need in order to be healthy).
  5. By eliminating toxins and foods that contribute to poor health.
  6. By eliminating damaging foods.
  7. The higher the butterfat content the lower the lactose (sugar), therefore the sugar in butter is the lowest of any other kinds of dairy product.
  8. The butterfat in dairy products helps the body digest the lactose (sugar) and proteins (casein), so the higher the butterfat the easier they are to digest.
  • Sugar upsets mineral relationships in the body
  • Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium
  • Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein
  • Sugar can change the structure of protein
  • Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention
  • Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances
  • Sugar is an addictive substance and can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol
  • Sugar decreases oxygen to the cells
  1. By long enough fermentation, i.e. like sauerkraut is fermented.
  2. By cooking them long enough.
  3. Protein from meats and eggs.
  4. High natural fats & oils, including oil soluble vitamins A, D & E, and omega-3 essential fatty acid supplements.
  5. Low carbohydrate foods.
  6. Basic Supplements
  • Meats such as beef, lamb, and bison that are free–range and grass–fed.
  • Pork, ham and bacon from pigs that are free–range and fed their natural diet.
  • Chickens that are free–range and allowed to eat their natural diet which includes insects, worms, small animals, grass, etc. like other birds.
  • Natural fats and oils include unrefined coconut oil, butter, lard, chicken and goose fat, tallow (beef fat), fish fats and oils. Fats and oils should not include any unnatural man-made fats, including oils, shortening, and margarines from plant sources, except extra virgin olive oil.
  • Unnatural man-made fats and oils include those made from canola (rape seed), safflower, sunflower, soybean, nuts, seeds, corn, etc. and all hydrogenated fats or oils (trans-fats), along with all improperly processed oils.
  • Vegetables should be from reliable sources and not irradiated, i.e. zapped with radiation.
  • Calcium – foods plus supplement
  • Magnesium – foods plus supplement
  • phosphorus – found in all animal meats and eggs
  • potassium – found in many foods, i.e. eggs, meats and vegetables (especially green one)
  • sulphur – found in eggs, meats, lemons, garlic and many other foods
  • chloride – contained in ocean sea salt
  • sodium – contained in ocean sea salt
  • Note: chloride plus sodium IS salt.
  1. Vitamin A: 20,000 to 30,000 IU
  2. Vitamin D: 800 to 1,200 IU
  3. Omega-3: 2,000 to 3,000 mg (includes EPA plus DHA listed separately on the label.
  • Nutritional Yeast “Flakes”—ensure you buy the “flakes” and not just “nutritional yeast” of any kind, which contain active yeasts which will cause problems for unhealthy people. There are many good brands available, including Red Star, Frontier, NOW, KAL, etc. Take two (2) heaping tablespoons per day, mixed into water, soup, Bee’s Egg Drink or other foods. It has a nutty flavor that most people and children like. It contains Niacin (B3) which will cause a flush, including red and itchy skin, which is nothing to be concerned about – see Niacin (B3) for more information.
  • Vitamin B Complex tablets or capsules —Buy a Vitamin B Complex brand that is balanced (also called synergistic, which means the same thing), since all of the B vitamins work together. It should contain the following B vitamins (Note: Buy a brand that contains most of the B vitamins listed below, that is in the amounts given):
  • 50 mg Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)
  • 50 mg Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin)
  • 50 mg Niacin (not niacinamide which is synthetic) – see Note Below
  • 50 Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine)
  • 50 mcg Vitamin B-12
  • 50 mcg Biotin
  • 1 mg Folic Acid
  • 50 mg D-Pantothenic Acid
  • 50 mg Choline
  • 50 mg Inositol
  • 50 mg Para Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA)
  • Take Thiamine (B1) in addition to Vitamin B Complex and Niacin (B3). Additional thiamine improves sleep, prevents nightmares, improves appetite, helps digestion, helps the bowels move, improves mood, memory and depression, helps alleviate cravings, increases serotonin, helps the heart and circulation, improves liver function, and is vital for the brain and nervous system.


    Vitamin B Doses — the doses below are taken “two times a day with meals”.

    Note: Even though Nutritional Yeast Flakes contain niacin (B3) and thiamine (B1) it is advisable to also take the doses recommended above.

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

    Note: To avoid getting loose stools (diarrhea) from vitamin C, which is called the bowel tolerance level, start with 500 mg 2-3 times a day and gradually increase it. Diarrhea is also a detoxifying symptom that your body creates in order to get rid of toxins, so vitamin C may not be the cause.

    Ascorbic acid powder or crystals are less expensive to take than vitamin C tablets. However, ascorbic acid can upset the stomach so it should be taken with foods/meals. Also it can be hard on the teeth, so rinse your mouth well after drinking it.

    Do not use sodium ascorbate, since it contains calcium and magnesium, or possibly baking soda. If there is any calcium and magnesium in your vitamin C you will not be able to regulate taking the correct amounts of calcium and magnesium. Baking soda is high in sodium which is diuretic, meaning it makes the body get rid of water and minerals along with it.

    Vitamin C Dose: Take 4,000 mg total per day, divided between 3 meals. Start with 500 mg twice a day and gradually increase it to avoid getting loose stools. If you get loose stools lower the dose for awhile and take more time to increase the amounts.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E (natural source only). Natural source vitamin E is indicated by the “d” in front of the different types of vitamin E, i.e. d-alpha-tocopherol. The synthetic version begins with “dl”, i.e. dl-alpha-tocopherol. Clear Base or dry base formulas are soy-free, but evidently soy-derived vitamin E supplements do not contain the damaging substances found in other soy products.

    Vitamin E Dose: Take 200 IU twice a day or 400 IU once a day. If you are already taking a higher dose of vitamin E continue on that dose since your body will be used to it. However, no one should take more than 800 IU per day, except for short periods of time since higher doses can interfere with the balance of fats, oils, and oil soluble vitamins.


    The best way to obtain all of the minerals your body needs is:

    Supplement References You Will NeedCandida Supplements – Description & Doses and Candida Supplements Chart.

Continue to Page 6

How to Improve Digestion, Healing & Detoxifying Symptoms, How Long it Takes to Get Healthy, Healing Reactions are Not Allergic Reactions, Do Not Push or Overwhelm Your Body, Simple Things to Help You

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All About Candida, What is Candida, True Causes of Candida

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Herxheimer Reactions, Die-Off Symptoms, Good Bacteria

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Candida Is “Not” Contagious, The “Truth” About Health & Longevity, Summary by Year, Disease Processes Versus Healing Processes, Lack of “Proper Nutrition” and Oxygen Damages Health

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Toxins and Poisons Damage Health, Drugs are Toxic, Vaccines Are Toxic, Foods & Drinks That Damage Health, How Stress Contributes to Poor Health, How Your Parents Influenced Your Health